Have you reached your true potential?

Have you reached your true potential? How would you know if you had? Hard to say isn’t it?

To my mind potential describes the possibilities of average people, to accomplish extraordinary results, in whatever they choose to pursue…

So why is it some people reach their potential, whilst others do not?

Lack of effort?

“Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.”

-Liane Cordes

Lack of reflective practice?

“Questions provide the key to unlocking our unlimited potential.”
-Anthony Robbins

 Lack of aspiration?

“Our aspirations are our possibilities.”

-Robert Browning

If you believe that through the development of your “human potential”, you can experience an exceptional quality of life, filled with happiness, creativity and fulfilment, then begs the questions, how do you foster it’s development? – by attending self development courses? What support do you seek? – the support of a coach a counsellor? From whom do you seek encouragement and support? Your wife, husband, friend, colleague?

I am of the view that those who begin to unleash their potential often find themselves directing their actions within society towards assisting others to release their potential and that the net effect on society will bring about social change at large.

Perhaps we need to bring this area back into focus?

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